React Async Popup


react-async-popup provides following modules -

  • Modal
  • Confirm
  • useModal
  • useConfirm

To use Modal or Confirm, then new method of it must be called.

Hooks function and new method both take an optional configuration object as its first parameter.

const callbacks = await


const [show, destroy] = useConfirm(optionalConfig)

new method

The new method returns a promise, which gets resolved with an object, this object has two methods show and destroy.

const { show, destroy } = await
const { show, destroy } = await
  • show method opens the popup
  • destroy method destroys the instance and show method will work no more

new method takes a config object as parameter which can have following values -

popupStyleReact.CSSPropertiesadditional style for popup
okTextstringOktext for ok button
cancelTextstringCanceltext for cancel button
maskClosablebooleanfor Modal - true and for Confirm - falsewhether close popup on mask/background click
closablebooleanfalseif true cancel buttons will be hidden and closeOnEscape will be false
closeOnEscapebooleantruewhether close popup on escape press
wrapClassNamestringclass for popup container
aria{labelledby: string, describedby: string}{labelledby: 'react-async-popup-header', describedby: 'react-async-popup-content'}element ID's for accessibility
destroyOnClosebooleantruewhether to destroy the popup instance on close
containerHTMLElementhtml element where popup should mount

Provided content and footer components in the config object will receive `ok` and `cancel` callback methods as props/parameter. The value provided to these methods will be used to resolve the promise returned by show method. Example


If you want to use modal or confirm in a functional component use hooks. If you don't know what hooks are and how they work please visit React Hooks Intro.

How to use -

const [show, destroy] = useConfirm(config)

A hook takes a config object as its first parameter which is same config as new method , a hook returns an array which has two methods show and destroy.

One thing to note here is before the popup is ready to use value of show and destroy will be null. So in case you want to show popup on mount of the component make sure you add a null check.

  • show method opens the popup
  • destroy method destroys the instance and show method will work no more


show method

Makes the popup visible to the user, it returns a promise. By default this promise resolves with true on ok and with false on cancel.

show method also takes a config object as perameter, the config is same as new method config just destroyOnClose and container properties are not available here .

Value of show parameter can override the initial values given to the new method, this is really usefull when developer wan't to use single instance in more then one places.

async function onDelete() {
const { show } = await;
const result = await show({
title: ' Are you sure you want to delete the file ?'
if (result === false) {
Show method can also resolve with user provided value -

Provided components (content and footer) in the config object will receive `ok` and `cancel` callback methods as props or parameter. The value provided to these methods will be used to resolve the promise returned by show method. Example

destroy method

The destroy method destroys the instance, it returns a promise which resolves without any value.

Once destroyed the show method will always resolve with null value.

Checkout the examples